our History
We’ve come a long way.
Check out some of our milestones in the timeline below.
“Sunsar Maya is formed
To provide education scholarships to children living in institutional homes in Nepal. 150+ students receive partial educational scholarships in the first year.”
“SuMa After-School launches
A first-of-its-kind program that provides holistic care to children living in extreme poverty.”
“8.1 magnitude earthquake strikes Nepal
And is followed by hundreds of aftershocks, killing 9,000 and injuring 22,000 people. ”
“Earthquake emergency response
The SuMa team immediately began work, running medical clinics, distributing food and supplies to over 2,000 families, providing housing materials to 250 families to prepare for the upcoming monsoon season, and rebuilding 6 homes and schools that had been destroyed. Much of this work was done in the first days following the earthquakes in rural villages that took international aid days or weeks to reach.”
“Shekhar’s Story
As part of our commitment to health and well-being, we facilitated and funded open-heart surgery and all-follow-up treatments for five-year old Shekhar. Shekhar has been in need of surgery since birth. It was a success, and he is now as healthy and active as any of his peers.”
“SuMa Women’s Literacy Program piloted with 45 women in Jorpati
The program provides caregivers and mothers of children that attend SuMa After-School with the skills they need to better their lives and the lives of their children.”
“SuMa Teacher training piloted
To provide students in rural Nepal with access to educational enrichment that improves their long-term educational and economic outcomes. ”
“SuMa Mahalaxmi opens
The after-school and women’s literacy program serves over 100 students in the community of Sanogaun.”
“Rachana Sharma joins SuMa
A well-respected therapist and professor, Rachana provides one-on-one and group mental health therapy for SuMa students.”
“Laputi’s Story
When Laputi joined our literacy program she couldn’t identify most letters or solve simple math equations. A little over a year later, she opened her own business, a shop providing clothing and necessities to her community. ”
“Walk, Hike, Go Fundraiser
The inaugural Walk, Hike, Go brought together 120 people in 7 countries on 5 continents to support Sunsar Maya’s programming.”
“A year of awards: SuMa students got a chance to show off all they’ve learned and were recognized in local and national competitions including:
Most Impactful Project Award - Global Design-a-thon Nepal
Most Aesthetic Project Award - Bhavishya National STEAM Camp
Highly Innovative Award - Kathmandu Mini Makers Fair”
“STEAM Challenge Takes place
In partnership with our local municipality, more than 1,000 students attended and cheered on 26 teams from across the district. ”
“Suma student Karan wins “Aspiring Next Generation Award” at the Spiralogics Spirathon,
Beating out 15 finalists from across the country with his presentation on STEM projects and video tutorials that he created at SuMa ASP. ”
“Covid Emergency Relief
While pivoting our programs to virtual and at-home learning formats, we moved quickly to support our communities most in need. We provided bi-monthly food and supplies totaling 72,725 pounds spread among 1,700 families.”
“SuMa Women’s Councils launch
With the goal of building leadership skills and the platform to create meaningful change.”
“The Student Becomes The Teacher
Manisha joined SuMa as a student 5 years prior, when preparing for college, she began interning with our staff and became a SuMa teacher in 2021!”