A message from Jehán Seirafi, co-founder and executive director
“It is evident that with support like yours, students — trapped in dire circumstances — are capable of building pathways that will lead them out of poverty. ”
For so many, 2021 started as a hopeful time around the world, including the students and staff at Sunsar Maya. After being closed for most of 2020, we reopened our centers in the Spring and welcomed our students back.
Unfortunately, our reopening was short-lived. The country went into another record lockdown and lasted through the Fall.
As a result of nearly two years in lockdown, some of the progress Nepalis have achieved over many years was lost.
Child marriages, which have steadily declined over time, began to rise.
Families, who had relocated to urban areas in search of more work opportunities, lost their jobs and had to return to their home villages.
And many children were forced to give up their dreams of an education, to begin working and help their families survive.
This was heartbreaking. Our Nepal team did all they could to keep our students from experiencing these same fates.
Teachers made weekly check-ins to students and parents, created stimulating and challenging at-home learning projects, and provided weekly food distributions for every child, and our bi-annual medical camps.
Our mental health therapist also provided regular individual and family therapy for any student in need.
Despite the challenges, and with the support of donors like you, SuMa staff, our students persevered… and many found ways to thrive.
Examples can be found in the stories of students like Rajiv, who shared that he was “energized” with the home projects and was able to build his STEM skills while at home.
There’s also Sarina, who realized how much she was capable of and started to do projects on her own.
And Kimma, a student in our Women’s Literacy program, who learned to read, write, and do simple calculations, is now running a store.
Their progress is a testament to their determination and resilience and is evidence that with support like yours, students — trapped in dire circumstances — are capable of building pathways that will lead them out of poverty.
Your support propels this progress.
SuMa’s incredible global community of supporters demonstrated generosity and goodwill that surpassed my wildest expectations. Because of your generosity, you have enabled Sunsar Maya to make moves (literally and figuratively!) that will continue to lift up the women and children in Nepal who need it most.
With enormous gratitude, I am pleased to share with you our 2021 Annual Report.
Jehán Seirafi
Highlights from the year
Students continued to learn! We successfully executed at-home learning programs for both SuMa After-School and SuMa Women’s Literacy students throughout the year.
We provided food distributions to students, and their families, struggling with hunger through the continuous lockdowns.
We moved! Thanks to a generous grant from Mom’s Against Poverty, we were able to move to a new location in Mahalaxmi. The new site has more classrooms, a dedicated library, and a large outdoor play space.
After a brief reopening in April, both SuMa Centers reopened on November 14 (and remain so!).
We began providing support to vulnerable women and children in the rural community of Machhegaun.
Sunsar Maya’s website got a much needed new look, making it easier to understand what we do and who we work with.
We received our first planned gift! This legacy gift will help ensure that Sunsar Maya will be here for those who need it, for as long as they need it.
Suma after-school
Our SuMa After-School Program provides children and youth living in impoverished communities with educational enrichment, medical, and mental health support.
In particular, we focus on experiential learning that develops critical and creative thinking skills. Although for much of the 2021 Sunsar Maya’s Centers were closed, the critically important work of educating and supporting children continued.

*Each year, our teachers assess our students on key metrics. This helps us understand where our students are doing well, and where they need additional support. Given the extended covid lockdowns, it is not surprising that “relationships” scores were low. The Sunsar Maya team will focus on supporting students in this area throughout 2022.
“My wife left me and my kids, I work in the construction site. I hardly get time to spend with my kids, because if I do not work for 20hrs I cannot feed my kids. My heart is smiling for all the support, love, and care my kids are receiving from Sunsar Maya.” - Saru - SuMa ASP Parent
“Even during the Pandemic, our teachers fostered growth and gave us an insight on various kinds of activities. I felt treasured and cared for when our teachers called us to know about our well-being. Your positive influence will always stay with me.” - Sarita - SuMa ASP Student
“My parents were not aware that I required a checkup until we came to the health camp held by Sunsar Maya. I was detected with vitamin deficit where the doctor provided me with medicine. My parents became conscious of my healthiness and now have started to pay more attention to my healthy eating conducts.” - Bilal - SuMa ASP Student
“My dad goes to work everyday so I have no one to give me food. I stay hungry most of the days. But ever since I have been getting the nutrition packets from Sunsar Maya, I can now eat those foods myself without the presence of Father and I don’t suffer from hunger any longer.” - Anita - SuMa ASP Student
Suma Women’s literacy
SuMa Women’s Literacy provides women with the tools they need—literacy, numeracy, life skills, and improved health—to better navigate their lives and to, long-term, break the cycle of poverty.
SuMa Women’s Literacy provides instruction in four core areas: conversational and written English, Nepali, and Mathematics. This year we began to explore extracurricular activities with students to support non-traditional learning while building community.

“Sunsar Maya has been extremely helpful to me. I'm able to recognize and read letters now. I'm now in charge of the [family] shop. Because of Sunsar Maya, calculations are simple. This organization has made my life so much better.” - Dhristi - SuMa Women’s Literacy Student
“I was pregnant during the lockdown, there was no food and money to fulfill my basic needs. My husband is a labourer, we hardly used to manage the food. One day I was so hungry...when the Sunsar Maya team came to support me without asking, that was the big day for me and my family. Since that day, they are supporting me because, if I am healthy, I can feed my new born baby.” - Bipana, SuMa Women’s Literacy Student
“I was thinking of visiting a doctor to consult the ongoing issues related to my health but I couldn’t due to lack of money. I feel happy to be the part of [the medical] camp as I could share and solve the problems I had…I am looking forward to more such programs.” - Karina, Suma Women’s Literacy Student

reaching more students
Expanding to Kathmandu Valley
Toward the end of 2021, we announced plans to open a third SuMa Center in the community of Machhegaun (by the Fall of 2022). Machhegaun sits at the foothills of the Kathmandu Valley. Many in the community are living in extreme poverty and are in need of support.
While we wait for permits to be finalized, we spent time meeting our future students and understanding how our programs can best work for them. We also offered support—food, medical care, warm clothing, and school supplies—and will continue to do so until we open our doors.
A needs assessment was completed, and a community meeting was held to introduce the program and hear from potential students about what programming would benefit them most.
We hosted a medical clinic for 43 women and 73 children, providing physical checkups and nutritional supplements for every child.
100 sets of warm clothing, shoes, and backpacks were distributed to students to ensure they made it safely through the winter.

Global community of support
Sunsar Maya’s work would not be possible without the support of our generous community — supporters like you. We are deeply appreciative of all the ways people around the world support our programs. From annual gifts to monthly contributions, hosted fundraisers and legacy giving, to grants and corporate contributions—this investment in our students makes their progress possible. And for that, we are profoundly grateful. Namaste.
Financial Investment

Invest in a student
Building pathways out of povery
Join the PATHMAKERS, our community of committed and caring people around the world that make Sunsar Maya’s programs possible. By giving monthly, you will help ensure that our students have materials and supplies to expand their education, qualified medical care to keep them healthy and happy, and teachers and staff that are consistent and caring figures in their lives. The PATHMAKERS are what keeps Sunsar Maya going.
Our Mission
Sunsar Maya's mission is to help vulnerable women and children in Nepal build pathways out of poverty through holistic, community-based programs that promote education, mental health, and physical wellbeing.