
Sunsar maya

helping Build Pathways out of Poverty.
donate today.

Our Mission

Sunsar Maya's mission is to help vulnerable women and children in Nepal build pathways out of poverty through holistic, community-based programs that promote education, mental health, and physical wellbeing. Read more about our mission and vision.

Established in 2011, Sunsar Maya was founded by four individuals who met and became friends while volunteering in Nepal. They were deeply moved by the kindness and generosity of the Nepali people, particularly the children they met. After witnessing the difficulties so many Nepalis face on a daily basis, they resolved to make a positive difference in their lives. Now, Sunsar Maya is run primarily by Nepali women, with support staff and board members located around the globe.

Meet our people, check out our history, and donate today to support our efforts!

Sunsar maya’s four key program areas have positively impacted many. here are a few highlights we’re proud to share.

When Laputi joined the SuMa Women’s Literacy Program she couldn’t identify most letters or solve simple math equations. A little over a year later, she opened her own business, a shop providing clothing and necessities to her community.

Karan Award

After School Program: Karan’s Award

In February 2020, ASP student Karan won the “Aspiring Next Generation Award” at the Spiralogics Spirathon. Karan beat out 15 finalist from across Nepal with his presentation of STEM projects and video tutorials he created at SuMa After-School. Karan received a year of mentorship by Spirologics to develop computer applications and serves as an inspiration to students in Sunsar Maya and across Nepal!


Teacher training: suresh’s reflection

Suresh, a local science teacher, shares, “I am a new teacher in the school. I do not have a [formal] educational background but have been teaching the best way I know. The training from Sunsar Maya really gave me lots of ideas to engage kids. More importantly it has given me a sense of how 21st century classrooms look like. I am more confident in my teaching… and have received good feedback on my abilities from my supervisors. I really would like to thank the Sunsar Maya team for making me more skilled through the One Day Workshop and continuous follow up through phone calls and classroom visits.”

COVID Food Distro

Emergency relieF Projects: Covid-19 food distribution

“I was pregnant during the lockdown, there was no food and money to fulfill my basic two meals. My husband is a labourer and we hardly used to manage the food. One day I was so hungry, without any shame I asked for food from the house owner. When the Sunsar Maya team came to support me without asking, that was a big day for me and my family. They are supporting me because if I am healthy, I can feed my newborn baby.”

Sunsar Maya depends on people like yourself to maintain strong and impactful programs. Here are some ways you can get involved:

“Talent is universal, opportunity is not.”

— Half the Sky